21st Century Latina Vedette
Honey Sabina
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About Honey
Honey Sabina is a Chicana burlesque artist known for her captivating performances, electric hip movements, and eye-catching body art.
Awkward but social
9 Latina Vedettes Who Are Carving Out a Space for Themselves in the 21st Century’s Showgirl Scene
"Texas-based Chicana performer Honey Sabina has been a professional entertainer for more than 20 years. She started training in Polynesian dance in Mexico City, following in the footsteps of Mexican vedettes like Lyn May and Tongolele, in the year 2000. As a performer, she often merges Tahitian dance into her burlesque routines. She also adds a modern twist to her mid-20th century vedette aesthetic. “She’s heavily tattooed, which I think is interesting because we don’t tend to see that. It’s refreshing. You see her and say, ‘she’s a 21st century showgirl,’” Rico says."
-Raquel Reichard Remezcla Magazine